Cutie Cola

Sexy, independent mother. Current nursing student with one hell of a sense of humour.

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Location: New York, United States

Friday, February 03, 2006

Congratulations Are In Order!!

Pat me on the back, I did it!! I got accepted into the Nursing Program!! I've been doing all my pre-requisite courses since June of last year - when I quit my job and decided to go back to school. I've done well on all of them, getting nothing but A's (and an A+ :-) ). Then I took the NLN entrance exam 2 weeks ago given by the National League for Nursing and passed with flying colors, but I didn't want to say anything yet because the Nursing Department still had to send me that acceptance letter that I'm accepted into the program. Well................I MADE IT!!!

I'm so happy, I just got home and I'm about to pop a bottle of wine and celebrate!! Now the real journey begins because I have to make sure I STAY IN the program. I'm in it to win it y'all, so I'm staying focused. I just can't put into words how excited I am and how much I'm proud of ME!! I've been bustin' my ass working and going to school.......I'd be getting and hour or 2 of sleep a lot of nights but I hung in there.

I pray that I'll be able to handle the new journey usual, I'll keep you guys updated.

Yay me!!! :-)


Blogger Cutie Cola said...

this is a test. apparently something is wrong with my blog. comments are not being saved WTF!!

2/04/2006 4:41 PM  
Blogger Cutie Cola said...

there were a few previous comments the just up and disappeared when another comment came in. I just posted a comment and it erased insaneblackwoman's comment!! I don't know what the f*%k is going on. Just so you all know, if you post a comment and check back later and it's gone, It's not me!! I swear!

2/04/2006 4:46 PM  
Blogger Deelze said...

Well here goes again....

I left a comment earlier and came back and it was gone!


I am so proud of you, you stuck in there and did your thing and made it happen!

We have to go out and celebrate before I leave! ( you know I had to put that in there) I am so very happy for ya gurl.


2/04/2006 4:56 PM  
Blogger Superstar Nic said...

You are rigght because I left you a comment yesterday but it is not here! I've had the same problem on my site to. Damn blogger!!!!

Anyhoo, congratulations girl! That is wonderful!

2/05/2006 12:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats! Don't celebrate too much though, this is just the start. Keep getting those As and you will do fine.

I think blogger was bugging again yesterday...I saw one less comment on one of my posts today and i couldn't view my blog last night.

2/05/2006 4:59 PM  
Blogger princessdominique said...

Congrats!!!!!! Let me know when you get your CD too.

2/06/2006 9:18 AM  
Blogger brooklyn babe said...

kudos chica....
I like your hustle and flow...
and you know it all about the journey, glad your not afraid to step out into it and face it.

2/07/2006 4:15 PM  
Blogger Knockout Zed said...

Pour some wine out for me too. I'm celebrating Wednesday!



2/08/2006 8:42 AM  

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